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Your Complete Guide to a Forehead Lift Recovery

Are you undergoing a forehead lift surgery? Here’s what to expect during the recovery period and how to get the safest, most satisfactory results.

When performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon, a forehead lift is one of the most popular, safe, and effective ways to instantly rejuvenate your appearance. It can be used to address many ageing concerns, including:
  • descended brow
  • flattened brow arches
  • deep horizontal wrinkles/lines on your forehead
  • excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over your eyes

Customized Forehead Lifts at our Kelowna Private Hospital

The team of board-certified plastic surgeons at our Kelowna Private Hospital has the expertise and experience to perform a number of cosmetic surgeries including forehead lifts, facelifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction to help you meet all your anti-ageing and aesthetic goals.

Want to know how we can help you?



A Comprehensive Guide to a Forehead Lift Recovery

A forehead lift corrects any sagging skin in your forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. Some patients may even get one at the same time they get a facelift or nose job, which is why the recovery period varies from patient to patient.

However, in order to get the safest and best results from your forehead lift surgery, it’s important to know what to expect from the procedure. Here is a basic guideline to your recovery period:

What You’ll Need At Home After Your Forehead Lift

Before you go into surgery, it’s important to prepare your home for when you return, to ensure you have everything you need to recover well. A week before your procedure, make sure you have the following on hand:

  • plenty of ice for a cold compress
  • plastic freezer bags to hold the ice
  • gauze an clean towels
  • pillows (to keep your head elevated)
  • ointment for the incision area (which your plastic surgeon can prescribe)

In addition to this, your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking at least 2-3 weeks before surgery and you may even have to avoid alcohol and certain medications for a period of time such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.

The Day of the Forehead Lift

Most often, you can have your forehead lift done in your surgeon’s office, in a hospital, or in an outpatient surgery facility.

How long will it take? This is an outpatient procedure and shouldn’t take any longer than two hours. While you won’t have to stay in the hospital, you should bring a family member or friend who can drive you to and from the surgery.

Remember to: Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how to care for the incision, especially regarding how frequently to change the bandages.


What to Expect During the Forehead Recovery Period

While the facelift recovery period will vary from patient to patient and depend on factors such as overall health, age, pain tolerance, and which method was used, you can usually expect certain side effects.

Side Effects During Forehead Recovery Period

  • some temporary swelling, bruising, and itching, which should disappear within 1 week of your surgery
  • numbness and tingling, which will subside
  • to return to work within 10 days, depending on how physically strenuous your job is
  • to avoid vigorous activity, exercise, and heavy lifting for at least 6 weeks after your surgery
  • to visit your surgeon a week after your procedure to remove any stitches or staples you have

Possible Side Effects

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with a forehead lift. Possible complications include:

  • scars
  • infection
  • loss of sensation around the incision site
  • loss of eyebrow movement

Note: While it’s important to be aware of these risks, you must also remember that these complications are very rare, especially when you work with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Team Of Plastic Surgeons


When to Contact Your Plastic Surgeon

It’s important to remain very vigilant during your forehead lift recovery. While you will have to see your surgeon for a post-surgery visit, it’s important to contact your doctor IMMEDIATELY if you have:

  • a high fever
  • excessive swelling
  • excessive bleeding


Call Today

To find out more about our customized forehead lifts, and how we can help instantly rejuvenate your appearance, contact our Kelowna private hospital at 250-868-9799 or book a consultation.

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