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What Conditions Are Treated With Shoulder Surgery?

What Conditions Are Treated With Shoulder Surgery?

When you suffer a shoulder injury, surgery is only suggested when deemed absolutely necessary. First, doctors will recommend trying less invasive forms of recovery, including physical therapy and chiropractic techniques. Although your medical practitioners may not immediately suggest surgery, they will also monitor your condition to make sure further use without shoulder surgery isn’t causing more damage. In some cases, delaying the surgical repair of your shoulder joint can exacerbate the injury and make it more difficult to treat later on. There are several different injuries that may require shoulder surgery, most of which are caused by sudden trauma or by continuous repetitive use.


Conditions That May Need To Receive Shoulder Surgery

Rotator Cuff Injury
The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons within the shoulder that allows for movement while also keeping the ball of the arm bone in the shoulder socket. A rotator cuff tear happens when the tendon pulls away from the arm bone. When a rotator cuff injury occurs, shoulder surgery may need to be performed to reattach the torn or damaged ligaments. Rotator cuff injuries are some of the most common shoulder injuries and they can be caused either from repetitive injuries or sudden trauma.

Frozen shoulder
Also called adhesive capsulitis, this condition limits shoulder movement. Frozen shoulder occurs when the connective tissue around the shoulder becomes inflamed and stiff. Often, when a person develops pain in their shoulder, they tend to move it less. This actually makes frozen shoulders worse, since a lack of movements makes the muscles become even tighter. Although there are non-surgical ways of dealing with mild to moderate frozen shoulders, severe cases may need surgical intervention to loosen the contracted tissue.

There are small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae that cushions the bones, tendons, and muscles. When the bursae are severely damaged, they need to be surgically drained or removed, depending on the extent of damage. Any related bone spurs may also be removed. Shoulder surgery for bursitis will create more room for the rotator cuff tendons and will increase mobility and reduce pain.

Also called degenerative joint disease (DJD), this form of arthritis typically occurs as people age although inflammation and injury to the joint can cause an acceleration of osteoarthritis. This condition leads to the deterioration of tendons and ligaments and a breakdown of cartilage, which causes pain, swelling, and deformity of the joint. There are a variety of pain relief methods and forms of symptom management that can help to control the effects of osteoarthritis, but advanced osteoarthritis can benefit from shoulder surgery to help decrease joint pain and stiffness while improving mobility and function.

Shoulder Surgery At Okanagan Health Surgical

If you are experiencing shoulder joint pain, Okanagan Health Surgical provides early diagnosis and effective treatment that will make a significant difference to your overall health and lifestyle. We will thoroughly assess your shoulder injury to determine if shoulder surgery is necessary or if your injuries can be remedied through non-invasive treatment. If shoulder surgery is needed, Okanagan Health Surgical can leverage the technologies available for minimally invasive arthroscopic shoulder surgery. This keyhole-type surgery involves one of our expert orthopedic surgeons making a small incision in your shoulder joint and inserting an arthroscope to examine and repair any shoulder joint damage. In extreme shoulder injury cases, you may need open shoulder surgery. If you are suffering from shoulder pain, contact Okanagan Health Surgical at 1-250-868-9799 or fill out the online contact form.


Q: How do I know if I need shoulder surgery?
A: If your shoulder pain is prolonged or doesn’t stop, if it affects your sleep, if your shoulder becomes weak, or if shoulder movement becomes more limited you may need shoulder surgery. If you have shoulder pain, you should speak with a doctor, as there may be non-surgical treatments that can benefit your shoulder pain as well. To learn more about shoulder surgery, read Signs You May Need Shoulder Surgery.

Q: What type of surgeon should I see for a shoulder injury?
A: If you are contemplating shoulder surgery, an orthopedic doctor is the best option to treat highly specialized and complicated joints such as your shoulder.

Q: What can I do to avoid exacerbating my shoulder injury?
A: Keeping your shoulder healthy and supporting healing is the best way to avoid ending up with a serious condition that will require surgical intervention. Ways you can do this are:

  • Ergonomically correct alignment if you work at a desk.
  • Proper support from any seat you spend time in: office chair, car etc.
  • Daily movement of your arms through stretching, yoga, lifting weights, jogging or other types of exercises as recommended by your physician and/or physical therapist.
  • Engaging in proper lifting techniques.
  • Strength training to better support the area. Be sure to do this with the guidance of a professional who understands your injury.

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