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Everything You Need to Know About Breast Reduction

A breast reduction can be a life-changing event. Here’s what to expect from this cosmetic procedure and how to ensure you get the safest, most pleasing results. 

All women deserve to enjoy a high quality of life but for some patients, the size of their breasts can cause physical and emotional side effects that make enjoying everyday activities and life difficult. Some of the reasons women choose to undergo a breast reduction include:

  • the size of their breasts cause them back or shoulder pain
  • they have difficulty exercising
  • they find it difficult to find clothes that fit properly
  • they have decreased nipple sensitivity
  • they may experience chafing, rashes, and infections under the breasts

Customized Breast Reduction in Kelowna

At our Kelowna private hospital, we are committed to helping our patients live happy, healthy, and comfortable lives. From breast reduction surgery to abdominoplasty and facial surgery, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons have the experience and expertise to meet all your unique needs.

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Kelowna Breast Surgery


What to Expect From a Breast Reduction

Patients who undergo breast reduction surgery are often seeking relief from the physical symptoms caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. This cosmetic procedure can often solve such problems (eg. back/neck pain and chafing), as well as improve the size and shape of your breasts.

Fast Facts about Breast Reductions:

  • The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Operating time is approximately 2-3 hours.
  • You may have to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days before going home to recover.
  • Typically, patients return to work after 14 days.
  • Your plastic surgeon may recommend that you wear a compression bra for at least 12 weeks.
  • You can return to your normal exercise routine after 6 weeks.


Am I a Candidate For a Breast Reduction?

While a breast reduction is a safe and effective way of enhancing your quality of life, it’s important to talk to your plastic surgeon first before undergoing any treatment, to ensure it’s the right procedure for you.

You may be a good candidate for breast reduction if:

  • your breasts are too large in proportion to your body frame
  • you have large, hanging breasts with nipples and areolas pointing downwards
  • breast asymmetry is a concern for you
  • you are experiencing back/neck/shoulder discomfort due to the weight of your breasts
  • there is skin irritation underneath your breasts
  • tight bra straps cause grooves in your shoulders
  • physical activity and exercise is restricted by your breasts
  • you are experiencing dissatisfaction or self-consciousness about the largeness of your breasts

The best way to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for a breast reduction is by booking a consultation with your plastic surgeon. They can discuss your medical history and aesthetic goals to decide if this is a safe and effective procedure for you.

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What to Expect After a Breast Reduction

As with any plastic surgery, your recovery is just as important as your procedure in ensuring you get the safest and most pleasing results. Here’s what to expect from a breast reduction recovery:

  • After your surgery, you may be requested to stay in the hospital for 2-3 nights so your surgeon can monitor your recovery progress.
  • Tape dressings will be applied to stabilize your breasts. A small drain will be placed to drain any excess blood and wound fluid. This will typically be removed after 2-3 days.
  • The day after your surgery, you’ll be encouraged to move very gently to encourage blood flow and healing.
  • You’ll also be fitted with a special support bra to gently support your breasts. You’ll be encouraged to wear this for at least 12 weeks following your procedure.
  • It’s important to rest as much as you can and typically, you can return to your full exercise regimen after 6 weeks.
  • Stitches will be removed after two weeks.
  • Most patients are able to return to work after 2 weeks, depending on the nature of their job.
  • For the first 4 weeks, avoid any strenuous activity that may cause stretching to your incisions and disturbance of the new shape.

Start Enjoying a Higher Quality of Life

Breast reduction often makes a dramatic change in your appearance. Most women are very pleased with their results and find that they can begin enjoying new hobbies. Keep in mind that your new breasts may require some time to assume a more natural shape and it can take up to 3 months for the final results to become apparent.


Contact Us

To find out more about our customized breast reduction procedures and how we can help enhance the function of your body and the quality of your life, contact our Kelowna private hospital at 250-868-9799 or book a consultation.

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