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Body Contouring: The Benefits Of Combining A Tummy Tuck And Liposuction

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Body Contouring: The Benefits Of Combining A Tummy Tuck And Liposuction

When you want to make a change to the appearance of your stomach it can sometimes be difficult to choose between liposuction and a tummy tuck. Both of these body contouring procedures are surgeries that change the appearance of the stomach, but one focuses on the reduction of fat and the other tightens loose skin and repairs weakened or damaged abdominal muscles. The good news is that you don’t need to choose between a tummy tuck and liposuction because you can combine both procedures to achieve optimal results and get the figure you desire.

Why Combine Body Contouring Procedures?

What Is Liposuction?
This body contouring procedure is used to remove stubborn pockets of fat. Although it is not a weight loss procedure, liposuction does permanently dispose of fat cells in the body. Liposuction can be used on various areas of the body including the thighs, knees, hips, love handles, and stomach. During a liposuction procedure, a small incision will be made in the treatment area and special tools called cannulas will be used to disrupt and extract fat. By removing pockets of fat, liposuction smooths the stomach without damaging the surrounding tissue. This body contouring procedure only focuses on fat removal and does not alter the appearance or elasticity of the skin.

What Is A Tummy Tuck?
Also called abdominoplasty, this body contouring procedure is used to achieve tighter skin and a smoother, shapelier silhouette. A tummy tuck is used to reduce any excess skin and fat tissue in the surgical area and create a taught, firm look. This body contouring procedure can also be used to alter and tighten the underlying abdominal muscles if they have been damaged or weakened (which is common after childbirth). If a person has loose skin from weight loss, childbirth, age, or genetics, a tummy tuck will create a svelte stomach and silhouette.

What Are The Benefits Of Combining Liposuction And A Tummy Tuck?
While some people only want to focus on reducing pockets of fat and others are only interested in removing excess skin or repairing their abdominal muscles, many people choose both. By combining both body contouring treatments, you get a smooth, toned stomach free of pockets of fat or excess skin. Some benefits of choosing both body contouring treatments at once include:

  • Reduced Recovery Time
    Receiving liposuction and a tummy tuck at once instead of waiting and getting them separately allows you to only go through recovery once. Although both procedures are common and quick, they both involve surgery and full recovery will take several weeks. By getting both procedures at once, you only need to heal once, making it easier on your body and requiring less time off from work and other duties.
  • Better Value
    When you have body contouring procedures, your cost will include how long the surgery takes as well as the time and resources needed to prepare and clean up, the materials needed during the surgery, the anaesthetic, and more. Paying for these services once during combined liposuction and tummy tuck is a more affordable option than two separate procedures.
  • Ideal Results
    Although either body contouring procedure is personalized to create your desired result, many people prefer the look of a tummy tuck and liposuction combined. When used together, these body contouring procedures can help sculpt and refine your midsection for complimentary results. A tummy tuck can be used to reduce excess skin and fat in the surgical area, but adding liposuction can help to remove pockets of fat in other areas, such as addressing love handles or fat above the belly button. Combining a tummy tuck with liposuction offers more widespread results for a superior final look.

Create Your Desired Look With Body Contouring

If you want a smooth silhouette free from pockets of fat and loose skin, Okanagan Health Surgical offers tummy tuck and liposuction combined for superior results. If you’re unsure if combined body contouring is right for you, discuss your desired outcomes with an Okanagan Health Surgical plastic surgeon and they can help you determine what is right for you. Our team of trusted plastic surgeons develop customized surgical plans that meet lifestyle requirements and help patients successfully reach their aesthetic goals. We help our clients achieve their desired results with minimal scarring to ensure they feel confident in their skin once again. To book your complimentary consultation, call us at 1-250-868-9799 or fill out the online contact form.


Q: Am I a good candidate for a body contouring procedure?
A: The best way to determine if you're a good body contouring candidate is to book a consultation with your plastic surgeon. However, typically adults who are within 10 lbs of their ideal weight, who have skin with good elasticity, and who are in good general health are good candidates for body contouring procedures.

Q: How long do liposuction results last?
A: Liposuction removes fat cells permanently. However, the fat cells that remain can get bigger if you gain weight. That's why it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after your body contouring procedure.

Q: Do I have to stop smoking in order to have a body contouring procedure?
A: The best candidates for any plastic surgery are those who do not smoke. If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least one month before your procedure and continue to avoid smoking for at least one month afterward. Smoking can reduce blood flow, which restricts your body's ability to heal and increases your surgical risks.

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