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Are You a Good Candidate For a Body Contouring Procedure?

Are you considering a surgical body contouring procedure such as an abdominoplasty or liposuction? Here are some of the questions you need to ask your plastic surgeon first. 

Following events such as pregnancy and significant weight loss, the skin and tissue of your body may lose its elasticity, unable to conform to your new body size. As a result, you can be left with excess loose skin and dissatisfaction with your body image.

Surgical body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasties and liposuction are designed to improve the shape and tone of underlying tissue and remove any excess fat/skin that you are struggling with.

Such procedures can be used for areas of the body including:

  • abdomen
  • upper arms
  • legs/thighs
  • buttocks
  • breasts

Customized Abdominoplasty and Liposuction Procedures in Kelowna

Whatever your body contouring needs, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons are experienced and knowledgeable in procedures such as abdominoplasties, medial thigh lifts, and liposuction to help restore your confidence and improve your figure.

Want to know more?

Abdominal Surgery

Am I a Good Candidate For a Body Contouring Procedure?

Body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasties are a safe and effective option to recontour your body into a shape that is more pleasing and desirable to you. Good candidates for these types of surgeries are those that are:

  • at a stable weight
  • healthy, with no medical conditions that may interfere with healing or increase the patient’s surgical risks
  • non-smokers
  • committed to living a healthy lifestyle, including following a proper fitness and nutrition program
  • keen on keeping a positive outlook and realistic goals for what their body contouring procedure can achieve

Why Stable Body Weight is Crucial For Best Body Contouring Results

Before you decide to undergo any body contouring procedure, you must ensure that your weight is stabilised. Stable weight is of utmost importance to your results because:

  • If you continue to lose weight, your sagging pockets will return.
  • If you gain your weight back, it’ll cause undue stress to your body and skin, resulting in stretch marks and scars.

What to Expect From a Body Contouring Consultation

Whatever plastic surgery procedure you are considering, be it body contouring or breast surgery, the success and safety of your results highly depends on your initial consultation with your plastic surgeon and your complete honesty during this meeting.

During your body contouring consultation, you must be prepared to discuss:

  • why you are considering this surgery
  • what your expectations and desired outcomes of this procedure are
  • the different types of body contouring options available to you
  • your medical history
  • any drug allergies you may have
  • any medical conditions you may suffer from
  • your daily habits such as smoking, drinking, or use of other drugs
  • any other plastic surgeries you may have had

In addition to this, your plastic surgeon may also want to:

  • discuss the status of your general health
  • any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors that run in your family
  • take detailed measurements of your body
  • take photographs for your medical record
  • fully discuss all your surgical options so as to best advise you on the best choice for your specific needs
  • discuss the realistic and likely outcomes of your surgery
  • discuss any potential risks or complications of the surgery

Call Today

To learn more about our customised body contouring procedures and which one is right for you, contact our team of plastic surgeons at 250-868-9799 or book a consultation.

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