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5 Reasons for Breast Implant Revision Plastic Surgery

Have you been secretly wanting smaller implants? Or perhaps your implants have moved or shifted or even changed size? The results of your initial breast augmentation procedure may not be permanent. A simple breast implant revision surgery can easily address whatever aesthetic or medical concerns you may have about your implants. 

Remember, your appearance and comfort are entirely your decision. If you want to change or remove your implants or fix a rupture or contraction, your plastic surgeon can design a treatment plan to get the results you want.

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Breast Implant Revision Is A Right 

Your body, your rules. Whether you have grown dissatisfied with your breast implants or a medical complication warrants it, corrective surgery is always open to you. 

These are some of the reasons thousands of Canadian women opt for breast implant revision each year: 

  1. Switch implant types
  2. Decrease or increase implant size
  3. Improve breast shape or correct breast asymmetry 
  4. Treat implant issues
  5. Remove implants 

Do you think you need to correct or remove your implants too? Call Kelowna’s premier cosmetic surgery centre, Okanagan Health Surgical Centre, at (250) 868-9799 or fill out the online contact form

Why Breast Implant Revision May Be For You 

Your reasons for implant revisions are just as unique and valid as your reasons for getting implants in the first place. You do not need to justify yourself; you should have full control of what goes in and out of your body. 

Here are 5 common reasons for breast implant revision surgery: 

  1. Switch implant types: Breast implants come in 2 types: saline and silicone. Saline implants feel firmer than natural breasts, but pose less of a risk if they rupture. Silicone implants, while providing a more natural look, can cause more complications in the event of a rupture. 

    If you have concerns about the safety or condition of your silicone implants, you may want to replace them with saline ones. Likewise, you may want to switch to silicone implants if you are seeking a more natural or realistic shape. 
  2. Decrease or increase implant size: As your lifestyle changes, you may decide to change the size of your breast implants too. Activities and sports may make smaller implants more suitable. And as your body changes with age, childbirth, and weight fluctuations a smaller or larger implant may give you the balance and shape you want. 
  3. Improve breast shape or correct breast asymmetry: Sometimes, breast augmentation can go wrong. The upper or lower part of your breasts may appear too full, your nipples may be uneven, or your breasts may appear asymmetrical. With implant revision your surgeon can correct these imperfections.
  4. Treat implant issues: Implants that are ten years or older should be assessed for ruptures, leaks, and overall condition. A rupture occurs when the implant rips due to wear and tear or an accident. If unaddressed, a rupture can cause pain and inflammation, as well as change the shape and size of your breasts. If your breast implant has ruptured, you must go through corrective surgery. Implant rippling occurs when the edges and folds of the implant become apparent. Revision surgeries to treat implant rippling include replacing and repositioning the implant. Capsular contracture occurs when the scar from breast augmentation surgery becomes abnormally hard and contracts around the implant. This can become unsightly and could eventually cause pain. Revision surgery is often needed. 
  5. Remove implants: Women who want to have their implants removed must undergo an implant revision surgery. 


Breast Implant Revision Is Normal  

There is a solution if you are unhappy with the results of your original augmentation surgery; Breast Revision. Not only is this procedure often medically recommended, it is also likely to bring you newfound self-confidence and happiness. Everybody deserves to look at their best, and you are no exception. You do not have to put up with ruptured or asymmetrical implants that can be easily fixed. 

The best plastic surgeons in Kelowna await you at the Okanagan Health Surgical Centre. Call (250) 868-9799 or fill out the online contact form to see how corrective surgery can improve or renew your implants.


Q: Should I change my implants after a set number of years?

A: No. While your implants may begin to tear or ripple with age, you do not need to change them unless you have verifiable symptoms. Speak with your doctor to be assessed.  


Q: How much is it? Is breast implant revision covered by insurance?

A: The cost of breast implant revision depends on the correction needed. Consult with your insurance provider to discuss their policy for covering cosmetic procedures.


Q: Is breast implant revision painful?

A: Breast revision surgery should be less painful than the initial breast augmentation surgery. Recovery time should be shorter as well. 

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