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Are You a Suitable Candidate For an Abdominoplasty?

Are you considering an abdominoplasty? Here are six signs that you’re a good candidate for the tummy tuck procedure. 

An abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is designed to tighten muscles and remove excess fat from the abdomen for a more toned and flattened appearance.

They can be used to address a number of cosmetic concerns including:

  • excess skin, especially after major weight loss
  • loose abdominal muscles
  • stubborn belly bulge
  • abdominal scars

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6 Signs You’re a Good Candidate For an Abdominoplasty

An abdominoplasty is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure that may help you achieve the sleek figure you desire. During the procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will remove any excess skin and fat, while carefully tightening weakened abdominal muscles.

However, it is not the right procedure for everyone. Before deciding on whether or not you should undergo a body contouring procedure, here are 6 signs that you may be a good candidate for an abdominoplasty:

1. You Have Loose Skin Around Your Abdomen

While it’s true that an abdominoplasty can target stubborn pockets of fat, to be a good candidate for this procedure, you must have a significant amount of excess skin around your tummy.

Why? To perform the tummy tuck, your surgeon will have to create a fairly large incision and if you don’t have enough excess skin, this can cause tension in the scar, leading to an undesirable ‘stretched’ look.



2. Your Overall Health is Good

When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, abdominoplasties are low-risk procedures, BUT you should not undergo this, or any surgery, if you have serious underlying health issues. Because you’ll be sedated with general anaesthesia, you should talk to your doctor if you suffer from:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • A bleeding disorder
  • Heart disease
  • Depression

Additionally, if you smoke or drink too much alcohol, you must discuss it with your surgeon as it may mean that you’re not a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.


3. You’re Committed to a Healthy Lifestyle

Tummy tucks can have a remarkable impact on a patient’s appearance and self-esteem. However they are NOT intended as a weight-loss surgery. Before undergoing this cosmetic procedure, you must be aware that:

  • You’ll face a significant amount of recovery time
  • Your results will appear gradually as your healing progresses
  • You will need to eat a healthy diet and maintain a regular exercise regime to maintain your results

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, then you are most likely an excellent candidate for this procedure.



4. You Have Had a Baby or Recently Lost A Significant Amount of Weight

Both pregnancy and being overweight can cause significant damage to the abdominal muscles, causing the skin to stretch around your belly. This means that even after you deliver the baby, or reach a healthy weight range, the tissues will continue to hang loosely around the stomach

A tummy tuck is a great way to repair these tissues so that your body will more accurately reflect your healthy weight range.


5. You’re Not Planning On Getting Pregnant Again

If you are planning on having more children, then it is advisable to wait before undergoing an abdominoplasty. Why? Future pregnancies can separate the repaired muscles and re-stretch the skin around your belly, meaning you’ll need another tummy tuck to restore your results of the first one.

NOTE: If you do have an unexpected pregnancy, then your previous tummy tuck will not affect the health of your baby.


6. You’re Not Planning On Losing Any More Weight

Before undergoing an abdominoplasty, you must be within 15-20 pounds of your ideal weight. While some patients do lose weight after the procedure, if you lose more than 30 pounds, it can leave more excess skin and sagging muscles around your stomach, negating the results of your procedure.


Call Today

At our Kelowna private hospital, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons are skilled and experienced in a number of cosmetic and plastic surgeries including abdominoplasties, breast surgery, and orthopaedic surgery to meet all your specific requirements.

To find out more about the costs and benefits of an abdominoplasty, and whether this is the right procedure for you, contact our Kelowna private hospital today at 250-868-9799 or book a consultation.

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